What is Kaveri?
Kaveri is a family-oriented residential Samskritam camp held in the San Franciso Bay Area, United States. It is designed by Samskrita Bharati to impart Samskritam language skills using modern teaching techniques in a friendly, informal, and fun-filled atmosphere.
The camp is named after the river Kaveri, one of the principal rivers of South India.
Set in pristine surroundings, this modern version of a Gurukulam offers classes at various levels conducted entirely in Samskritam by experienced teachers. From yoga to entertainment featuring skits, music, storytelling and more, people of all ages will find this an excellent opportunity to participate in an immersive environment, learning and conversing in Samskritam. Comfortable lodging and delicious vegetarian food are included. For beginners, no prior knowledge of Samskritam is required (but familiarity with at least one Indian language is recommended).